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Multi-stage signal amplification combined with single-molecule platform for tumor marker detection
There are still many difficult conditions in the world where symptoms are often not apparent in the early stages and are often confused with common health problems, resulting in missing the best time for treatment .

These include the following categories of diseases:imgimgimg
Cancer Incidence
Small cell
lung cancer
Non-small cell
lung cancer
Cancer Mortality
lung cancer

Cancers targeted by our validated platform technology:
non-small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer

Cancer is a global health problem and currently kills one in six people worldwide. According to the World Cancer Report 2020 published by WHO, the number of cancer cases worldwide could increase by 60% in the next 20 years.

The greatest lever to save lives lies in the timely diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Therefore, it is important to explore methods of cancer detection and diagnosis, and thus intervene in the incidence and mortality of cancer.

In recent years, cancer diagnostic technology has been constantly updated and iterated, but most of the traditional cancer screening methods still have problems such as strong invasion, high cost, inconvenient operation, long detection cycle, radiation, low accuracy, low sensitivity and low specificity
, resulting in low compliance of the public for screening.

We have constructed a universal detection platform for nucleic acid markers based on the classifiers of DNA integrated circuits - polymerase self-enhancement and CRISPR two-step reaction, which can accurately translate nucleic acid signals into intuitive one-dimensional results for precise diagnosis of diseases.


Detection platform target

DNA molecular probes
Substances that build the detection platform

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope
Substances that build the detection platform

Highly Accurate
Adjustable sensitivity

We are committed to advancing technological innovation, aiming to bring breakthrough developments to the field of biomedicine through the novel approach of combining "synthetic biology and DNA nanotechnology." These efforts are intended to improve human health and well-being. This year's MicroDetect project largely meets the public’s expectations for new diagnostic technologies, which are expected to offer high precision, minimal discomfort, low cost, short detection cycles, and user-friendly testing methods. The public surveyed has shown great interest in this technology and has expressed strong approval.

We look forward to seeing precision medicine and molecular diagnostic technologies bring hope to more patients, believing in their boundless potential to make greater contributions to global healthcare. Under the bright promise of precision medicine, even the most dangerous diseases can be understood and treated.

Join us in witnessing the powerful impact of precision medicine as it takes root in every corner of the world, creating one groundbreaking miracle after another.MicroDetect—Illuminating Health With Precision Medicine.

DNA Nanotechnology: We apply DNA nanotechnology to medical diagnostics. We utilize the unique properties of DNA molecules, such as their ability to self-assemble and the specificity of their double-strand binding, to build artificial biochemical circuits.
Introduction of CRISPR technology: The use of digital probes combined with the CRISPR secondary signal amplification system can improve detection sensitivity.
No need for PCR: Relies on a secondary amplification system for signal amplification, eliminating the need for cumbersome primer design and suitable for a variety of operating environments.
Automated single-molecule fluorogram analysis program: for a specific set of single-molecule fluorograms can be automated, intelligent analysis of the appropriate unique thresholds and calculations, produce results, reduce the error of manual operation, saving valuable time and human resources.
Polymerase Reduces Errors: The introduction of polymerase into the system was a crucial innovation that significantly reduced errors caused by leaks in the biochemical circuit. This improvement has greatly increased the accuracy of their diagnostic techniques, making them more reliable.
Adaptive Medicine Potential (Specific Diagnostics): Our innovations in biomarker analysis using this platform have significant implications for specific diagnostics. Customizing treatments based on disease-specific biomarker profiles can improve outcomes and marks a significant step forward in healthcare.
Portable diagnostics: Cell-free systems for microreactions are another innovative step that may lead to the development of portable diagnostic equipment that can be used in resource-limited settings. Portability is particularly valuable for health care in remote or underserved areas.
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