
While the application prospects of genetically modified Rhamnobacterium are exciting, concerns have been raised about the biosafety of these modified organisms that are accidentally released into the natural environment. Especially given that Rhamnobacterium is a highly adaptable organism, the consequences of their presence in natural ecosystems are unpredictable. Our team is fully aware of this and ensures the safety of all our team members and takes all necessary precautions to ensure that we do not cause any harm to the environment or individuals.

Chassis safety

We use Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469 to ensure the safety of our project. This microorganism is classified as risk group 1, it also used as vitamin-detecting bacteria and poses a low risk to human safety and the environment.

Parts safety

In order to achieve degradation function, we introduced multiple genes in our chassis strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Before constructing the plasmids, we checked the source of the primary gene we wanted to use. These genes are on a whitelist provided by iGEM.

Suicide system

Our projects include microorganisms modified using heterologous gene introduction. In addition, to prevent engineered strains from escaping into the environment and causing contamination, we also chose glucose concentration sensitive promoter and MazF into the suicide system. Usually, the glucose concentrations in the mammalian gut and the external environment, we considered selecting a promoter, PGlu, that is able to respond to changes in glucose concentrations. Follow iGEM rules, when the cells die any bacterial contents to escape and couse potential risks, should be avoid. Therefore, we chose to use the MazF gene. This gene encodes an endonuclease that can cleave RNA at the ACA site and cause microbial death, thereby mediating cell suicide without causing bacterial cell lysis. The promoter PT-αcrp controls the expression of the suicide gene MazF gene, and when glucose concentrations are low, it initiates the expression of the suicide gene to achieve a suicidal effect.

Similar suicide mechanisms were used in the NYMU-Taipei 2017 team project, and we used their results to refine our project.

Figure 1 shows the genetic map of the T4 holin construct pSB1C3-J04450-K112000。

Laboratory safety

Hand hygiene: Laboratory personnel should wash their hands after handling cultures and remove gloves before leaving the laboratory.

Prohibited Activities: Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, using cosmetics, and storing food or drinks for human consumption are strictly prohibited.

Sharps disposal: Disposable sharps such as needles, blades, pipettes, and cullets are discarded as medical waste in specially designed puncture and leak-proof sharps containers.

Aerosol prevention: Follow all laboratory procedures carefully to minimize the generation of aerosols or splashes.

Surface Purification: All work surfaces are decontaminated after the work is completed or after any splashing or spilling occurs.

Biohazard Decontamination: Ensure that all potentially biohazardous materials are properly decontaminated prior to disposal.

Safety Information: All personnel entering the laboratory should be informed of the potential hazards and must meet specific access requirements.

Aerosol containment: Perform all laboratory procedures that may generate aerosols in a certified biosafety cabinet or other appropriate physical containment device.

Lab Clothing: A lab coat, protective gown, or uniform must be worn to protect personal clothing. Remove them when leaving the lab area and avoid wearing them outdoors. Institutional cleaning or disposal is required.

Eye protection: When hazardous materials are at risk of splashing or aerosols, staff should wear goggles or face shields.

Glove Use: When handling hazardous materials, always wear gloves and choose the appropriate glove material according to the nature of the material. Wash your hands before leaving the lab.

Material Handling: No material or equipment must leave the laboratory until it has been autoclaved, properly sterilized, properly packaged for shipping, or packaged off-site by an approved supplier.