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Since 21th century, the plastic pollution had been one of major global issue. Now, there are 171 trillion microplastic floating in the ocean. Pollution of microplastic is a serious problem for modern society because there are 400000 people kill by microplastic every year.

Polyethylene terephthalate hydrolases (PETases) is kind of enzyme who degrade microplastic by hydrolysis. It is the best enzyme to degrade microplastic in contemporary world since it has high efficiency under certain conditions, and it is relatively friendly for environment.



Feel free to customize the page styling according to your preferences, or you can simply leave the style as it is. It's wise to focus on a clear content first, and on a clean design later.

Be cautious with the size of the assets like images, videos, and more, that you put in your wiki. Large file sizes can hinder the presentation of wikis due to slow internet connections. Remember to compress large files before uploading them to iGEM servers.

This default wiki meets the requirements, enhances navigability, and provides a user-friendly experience for visitors. You should not feel obligated to go beyond the provided styling.


This wiki will be your team's first interaction with the rest of the world, so here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • State your accomplishments! Tell people what you have achieved from the start.
  • Be clear about what you are doing and how you plan to do this.
  • You have a global audience! Consider the different backgrounds that your users come from.
  • Make sure information is easy to find; nothing should be more than 3 clicks away.
  • Avoid using very small fonts and low contrast colors; information should be easy to read.
  • Start documenting your project as early as possible; don't leave anything to the last minute before the Wiki Freeze. For a complete list of deadlines visit the iGEM Competition calendar
  • Have lots of fun!


You can also view other team wikis for inspiration! Here are some examples: